About Me

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We got married October 23, 2010 and our sweet baby boy was born July 2, 2012. We have been remodeling our "new" home since January 2010 and I have documented the entire process, and will continue to do so.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Not sure my blog is really “stylin” but Sarah Roscow thinks so, or maybe she just wanted to pass on this award to me so I would blog more…

Anyways, 7 facts about myself:

1. I’m one of the only bloggers around here that isn’t pregnant or doesn’t have kids! Maybe that’s why I don’t have as much to blog about, because I have nothing to brag about or show off! (All of your kids are cute BTW, and I can’t wait to see pics of the new babies that are going to be born so soon!)

2. I’ve always been pretty weight stable, but I think I have gained roughly 3 pounds since I started working at Oak Hill. The nursing home food (which is free lunch for me) is really starting to take its toll on me! It’s good, but its loaded with calories! Can’t let the old folks get skinny!

3. I can’t stand a lot of new “country” music that’s on the radio now days. Country just ain’t country anymore. Craig and I listen to more Texas/Oklahoma country than Nashville country these days. It just feels more real to me. Heck last summer we drove all the way to Nebraska to listen to one of our favorite bands!

4. I’ve never really lost a loved one. I have all but one grandparent, which passed before I was born. I was too young to remember the death of my great grandma and grandpa. I am fortunate not to have lost any close friends; to this day I still feel that we are the class that got “skipped”. I pray to God that still have a while before I lose anyone close.

5. Craig and I have been together for over 9 years now. NINE YEARS! I just turned 25. That’s a lot of my life we’ve been together. Its been great so far, and I can’t wait to see what is to come for us in the future: getting our own farm, raising award winning national champion sheep, having kids, grandkids, taking vacas, etc…

6. Back to #5 and getting our own farm… I cannot wait to get out of town!!! Don’t get me wrong, I love Red Bud and I love the convenience of everything being close and walking everywhere, but I grew up on a farm, so did Craig, and its hard for us to live in a little house on a little lot on Main Street. I have to keep all my blinds closed (except for the North facing window in the living room, Flower likes to sit and look outside at the cars driving by), I can’t walk outside in my skippies, I can’t have animals outside without the fear of them getting hit by a car, I can’t grow a bigger garden, I can’t raise my alpaca herd, etc. Smile haha. Someday I’ll get back!

7. We didn’t get to go on a honeymoon. I hate that we didn’t, because I would kill for a vacation right now! We didn’t have the money to waste on one when we could spend it on the house. I wasn’t going to have my parents pay for that along with our wedding, nor was I going to ask them for that. I had school. Craig couldn’t afford to lose days of work when he was actually working because the weather was good. I spent all summer planning our trip out west, I had it planned day by day! And we never went. I wanted to take a trip for our anniversary this year instead, but I can’t plan one in advance because I can’t be gone when state surveyors come in, and there is a three month window where they can come in, and they always come in the fall for our facility. So if we do go on a honeymoon/anniversary trip this fall, it will be totally spur of the moment, which I don’t mind! We did that in ‘07, planned a trip to Colorado (our fav) two weeks before we left, and it was so much fun!

Well, there you go. A personal post. I never do these. But I figured I would since Sarah would like more posts from me Smile.

I would like to pass the award on to my friend Jackie and her brand new blog that features her adorable baby girl Loreli. I don’t even know if she is a follower of mine (I don’t have many lol) so hopefully she sees this!


  1. YAY!!! :)

    I totally agree on the country music. It is getting pretty ridic lately & all seems to sound the same. I'll take Conway over these wanna be's anyday!!

    I feel for you on the honeymoon situation. We had a half ass honeymoon that sure didn't feel like anything but my heart being ripped out of my chest being away from Luke. We are planning on going on a REAL, relaxing, romantic, fun getaway for our 5 year anniversary. Ahhh, I can feel the sand between my toes already...only three more years haha.

    So happy to see you blogging! You are the reason I started & I absolutely love having memories stored away for our family :)

  2. How are you going to get away for your 5 year when you have to leave TWO kiddos behind?! I feel bad just thinking about leaving my cat behind LOL!

    And I still can't believe I'm the one who made you want to start blogging... I wish I could have more updates more often, but right now is such a busy time for us. Hopefully after I'm done with school we can start on some more projects. Summer is supper busy with us, we don't have a free weekend until the end of August!

  3. Oh trust me, I have worried about that. But then again...by then I think I won't only want a break, I'll need it to keep my sanity haha.

    I had no idea what a blog was until you start posting yours on fb!! :)
