About Me

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We got married October 23, 2010 and our sweet baby boy was born July 2, 2012. We have been remodeling our "new" home since January 2010 and I have documented the entire process, and will continue to do so.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I have a house update!

Well kinda…

We had a feeling it would be coming soon, but not this summer. We were hoping to hold out for a few years but after having an 84 degree house for the past two weeks it is time to replace these puppies:



Anyone else still have one of these bad boys? Ours is 30+ years old, and was made right in our back yard. Well, a few blocks away at the old Singer plant.


The downfall:the installation crew is so backed up, we won’t have our new AC and furnace installed for another TWO WEEKS! Good thing they are a nice company and haven given us a window unit to use until then.


Yes that is cardboard and foil. The accordion sides were all ripped up and had duct tape hanging everywhere. So this is my way of making sure the cold air stays in, the hot air stays out, and all of Main Street doesn’t see what goes on inside our bedroom. But it works and our room is cold so I’m not complaining!

Needless to say we are looking forward to the new units!

On to the garden updates!

The watermelon, not too much action yet.


The zucchini plants really took off once it got hot! I may have planted them too close together, but when you are planting them, they look so small. It is hard to image that they could get so big. As of right now there are about 20 zucchinis growing! Some have grown a few inches over the past day or so. LOVE zucchini!


The longest:


The fattest:


The two cucumber plants:


Quite a few little cucumbers sprouted over the last few days. The beginnings of a cucumber:


Ahhhh the lettuce! Very close to harvesting. Probably could eat some now if I wanted but I want the leaves to get a little bigger. I will probably be eating salads for breakfast lunch and dinner here shortly! Next year, plant a foot of seed, wait a week, plant a foot of seed, wait a week, etc. Like I said this is an experiment and a learning experience.



Romaine close up:


Salad mix close up:


Beans, still growing:


Pole beans growing all over each other. Next year, have a higher trellis!




There is about 4 banana peppers on one  of the plants.


Jalapeños!!! I think there is only one so far.


Potatoes, still growing, waiting on flowers.


Cherry tomatoes grew like a weed the past few weeks!


First cherry tomatoes! I can only find two so far.


Regular tomatoes, much shorter than the cherry tomatoes and no fruit yet.


And the acorn squash, yeah I thought I read somewhere that these were going to or would trellis… doesn’t look it yet. They are getting huge!


Ok now I’m hungry! See ya!


  1. Awsome looking garden.....good for you! I would have killed everything by now!

  2. Christine PettijohnJune 14, 2011 at 11:12 AM

    I am super jealous. I cannot wait to have a garden next year. Yours is looking awesome!

  3. thanks everyone! its a lot of work. hey its kind of like my kid! haha! ok probably not... but it does take a lot of care!
